At the age of 53 Mr. Rahul Gandhi is preparing for the elections and this time he is having some clear vision reading the Indian economy. He dreams to become the prime minister of India.He is more sensible and more matured to drive the economic wheels of India. In between his party is now having many young faces who are matured and having knowledge about execution of the work. They party is free from the white haired segment of politicians but Rahul Gandhi have come up to the age of 53 and he lost his position over the last 10 years to become the young prime minister of India. He lost the battle in 2014 but technically he lost the battle when he stayed away from contesting himself and forwarding Mr.Manmohan singh in 2009. Well many of my readers are surprised to read the above lines but what I have written is perfectly correct matching with the scenario of today. The winning of BJP and more of Mr.Narendra Modi is going to eradicate congress and its white haired people from the system over the next 10 years (2014-2024). The above lines and the description is the projection of the situation in 2024 when congress will get a another chance to get back in position. Once BJP wins it would be quite difficult for the next 10 years for congress to get back its position. BJP knows that if they want to create a difference and wants to win a clear majority in 2018 they have to work hard and develop India within the next 5 years. Moreover Narendra Modi is more focused to create a land mark on the history of the Indian political system. This itself will drag Rahul Gandhi to dream at the age of 53 to contest and win for prime minister position.
Its well clear that the poll results and the thoughts of the people in the age of Smart Phone has created a revolution for the Indian election and its voters. The minds are very clear and the verdict is loud enough we want someone who will change the Indian economic climate from the ages of the past 66 years of Independence. BJP will not only create a history for the Indian economic growth but its being expected that this would change the thought process and way of working of every citizen of India where idea generation and entrepreneurship and would rule the Indian economy. The Indian economy needs growth,we don’t want to hear that we are developing economy. We need the emblem of developed economy so that India could become the 2ndlargest economy in the world. It might sound like a dream but we need some one to start journey towards the dream.
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