In continuation to my previous article now it’s the time to think for the next 5 years. I am not here to discuss about the probable growth prospects of the Indian economy. Today I would rather focus on what is going happen in next 5 years from now and also how to brace oneself for growth of the Indian economy in the next 5 years and what should be the course of action for cost accountants.
Last 5 years have been devastating. There have been scams and slowdowns. But now we need to gear up and change our attitude and become aggressive. According to me there is huge opportunity for all professionals and particularly for the cost accountants to become more aggressive in their business operation and focus more on various segments of the industries where we can create values and growth. Remember the next 5 years will be the years where Ideas, Innovation, New Strategies would be the game changers. We cost Accountants need to be very aggressive and have to be very quick in adopting changes in the various segments like DTC,GST, Valuations norms etc. We need to drop the lethargy which we have gained in the last 5 years and become visionary of our own business then only the Indian economy would grow. If we are late in our approach then rivals would take over us and we will remain in the laggards. We members need to be aggressive in our business and more importantly to become fearless. I have found that fear often drags us from success. We need to drop that and become hard working. We need to be fast enough in our approach. Forget the lethargy of the last 5 years. In the next 5 years cost accountants would be getting huge opportunities from diverse segments hence we all need to be prepared to garb it. Just become aggressive. We need to stop the blame game and become aggressive. We need to take the charge of our individual towards the profession and move ahead.
Make very clear vision regarding what are your visions and mission. The knowledge and thought process of the society is about take radical change since this is the main factor behind which we vote BJP. Be prepared that we will get new opportunities and not challenges. The days of challenges are over now its no one’s monopoly and we need to move ahead very fast so that we can be contributor to the Indian economic growth. I know that many of my friends would say that the council member needs to be aggressive. Well every member has responsibility towards the profession. Gone are the day when you depend on someone else for their activities. We need to take the charge and move ahead. Remember that what we have lost in the last 5 years we can create double of that in the next 5 years.
The level of knowledge of the people and of the society would increase more by the next 5 years around 2019. Technology would be the key player behind the same. Just try understanding that in the current scenario BJP made a outstanding use of technology through social web sites and through tools like whats app. His interviews and his thought were so much provoking and were focused towards development that we Indian picked up the development choices and not the traditional old mistakes. In the next 5 years Indian economic intelligence and social knowledge would increase which would create challenge for the opposition government to place their own points. What I am trying to say is that this voting process of us through which we gave clear verdict to BJP would be more precise and clean in the next 2019. Hence we will be entering into knowledge driven society in the next 5 years where Ides, Innovation, Thoughts, New Ventures, Strategies will be key players. Hence my Cost Accountants gear for the rally. Those who are waiting for the finals or in the finals try to pass out quickly since its time for you which were being awaited for long time. We need students and members to jointly move ahead. We have failed in the last several years but now if we fail we will lose a big opportunity and rivals would take part into that.
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