Last week I went to a part of a European country where I found the lifestyle being lived over their after 2008.I remember that in 2009 January I came here and after that I am back again exactly after 2 and half years later. I wanted to travel to conference on Last week and hence I took a cab to travel around 80 km for attaining the conference. While travelling on the way I was having words with the cab driver and form their I am conveying the story prevailing over their. This story is hardly being covered by any media or print publication since stories of life are only heard and less recorded.
5 years earlier the cab driver was not cab driver. He was working and was drawing health amount to meet his expenses. He had lover who later on turned to be his wife. His wives also used to work in a company and were married very happily. They bought an residential apartment at 300000 euros and met the expenditures very easily. In other words life was really rocking for this 29 years old chap. The apartment was quite big and big enough to have the 3 children's under one roof with couples enjoying their happily married life. What a person can expect from his life other than having a peaceful life with a peaceful family. According to me it was a one of the best in fact ideal family in Europe.
Life changed dramatically within last one year. Wife lost her jobs and stayed at home. She is buys taking care of the children's. The residential apartment which he brought at 300000 euros is now juts 120000 euros and not a worth to live any more as all the residential property prices of that place has come to half. Banks have already asked to clear the payments and he is only having half the price to pay of the present value. He himself is struggling to run the medical expenses and other stuffs and whispers in his own eras how he will manage later on once the government goes for abolishment of the taxes on medical expenses and other stuffs. He calls himself I am on the way to become lunatic.
He cries often and curses himself for getting married. More he curses for having the twin's child and the other one so early. He cries for his good old happy days. The country of where I am narrating this story stands with this note that if you have lost your job you become cab driver. Now the city has too many cab drivers and less to travel. I requested the banks that I can't pay but all my words went in vain. He cries and only weeps with thousand of people across Europe.
What the hell you will do with knowing the name of state. It's a place on the world that's enough. Oh before I leave I forget to tell the identity of the cab driver. He was financial banker with whom I attained my last conference 2 and half years ago. No need of name since no real life stories comes to media for publication. I remembered my old days along with my cab driver.
the real story of the real growth of the European economy.I hope my story needs no furtehr analysis of the pains and the crsis being lived by the people of the europe.This is only one story their are thousands and thousands like this more painful and more torchruing.Who covers them what speculators has to say and what the government can say in Europe and US.Is this economic growth or growth of END OF THE WORLD.