Our Prime Minister have went for shopping an being an Indian we are proud for the same. But my article is not to be taken for criticism but for a thought to be provoked in the minds of my readers. If all investments flows comes to India from the Silicon Valley then don’t you think that US investments in its own country would come down which will lead to cut down on jobs as all jobs will be coming to India. Unemployment in US will start increasing which will lead to slow down for the Indian manufactures as export would come down due to no job -no consumptions atmosphere. Now lest get into some more further question where investments comes but what about the local state level corruptions since Big Giants will be managed by Central Govt but what about the ancillaries. Indian political structure itself is confusing since development is required but the Name on the same should be of the ruling party only. If I am opposition forget to dream about investments coming to India. Indian legal system is also weak where the number of crimes is increasing and one should take it more seriously that a crime on a Indian fellow and on an FDI fellow will have different ramifications from the same CRIME. Now we want FDI and PPP model investments. Existing PPP have been a nightmare the only question is that why to change the constitution of India where a fixed PPP model is enrolled without any change irrespective of any government ruling the centre.
What I am trying to say is that in this 3rd industrial revolution world every economy knows that in order to develop we need investments. The developed economy needs money at home so that they can start growing their inflation and consumption demand whereas the developing economies needs investments to keep growing their economies. The world population is increasing and financial crisis like 2008 and stock market crash like in china are increasing the burden on the different government across the globe to keep ahead in the race of investments. On the other hand Fund Managers across the globe are busy in attracting inflow into financial and commodity based products. Now the interesting part is that the war is in between Fund Managers and Corporate Investment strategies since both are fighting to attract investments and show that financial investments would draw more gains compared to investments in PPP or any P- project based investments. The funniest part is that governments across the globe have failed to generate healthy returns in PPP projects (Particularly India) where as Fund Managers through speculative investments calls made their clients money grow by double.
One part of the world needs inflation and consumption to pick up, another part of the world needs PPP investments to grow and another part of world needs Fund Mangers salaries to jump. The biggest question is where to go where my investments don’t lose. Governments need to come actively in a positive environment which also includes opposition to carry on such massive investments being drawn by our Prime Minister. Further, focus on domestic investments and their pains of stories of not getting the platform of developing entrepreneurship. Indian entrepreneurs have more into Silicon Valley since they could not find India to be conducive enough to make their dreams come true. Hence India still has more entrepreneurs more than Silicon Valley to grow Indian economy. From Upanishad I will quote one meaning of an text. Blind Follows the Blind and remains ignorant.
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